19 research outputs found

    Risk analysis sampling methods in terrorist networks based on the Banzhaf value

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    This article introduces the Banzhaf and the Banzhaf鈥揙wen values as novel measures of risk analysis of a terrorist attack, determining the most dangerous terrorists in a network. This new approach counts with the advantage of integrating at the same time the complete topology (i.e., nodes and edges) of the network and a coalitional structure on the nodes of the network. More precisely, the characteristics of the nodes (e.g., terrorists) of the network and their possible relationships (e.g., types of communication links), as well as coalitional information (e.g., level of hierarchies) independent of the network. First, for these two new measures of risk analysis, we provide and implement approximation algorithms. Second, as illustration, we rank the members of the Zerkani network, responsible for the attacks in Paris (2015) and Brussels (2016). Finally, we give a comparison between the rankings established by the Banzhaf and the Banzhaf鈥揙wen values as measures of risk analysisMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovaci贸n, Grant/Award Numbers: PGC2018-097965-B-I00, PID2021-124030NB-C32; Xunta de Galicia, Grant/Award Number: ED431C 2021/24; Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovaci贸n y Universidades, Grant/Award Number: MTM2017-87197-C3-3-PS

    Node aggregation for enhancing PageRank

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    In this paper, we study the problem of node aggregation under different perspectives for increasing PageRank of some nodes of interest. PageRank is one of the parameters used by the search engine Google to determine the relevance of a web page. We focus our attention to the problem of nding the best nodes in the network from an aggregation viewpoint, i.e., what are the best nodes to merge with for the given nodes. This problem is studied from global and local perspectives. Approximations are proposed to reduce the computation burden and to overcome the limitations resulting from the lack of centralized information. Several examples are presented to illustrate the different approaches that we proposeFP7-ICT Project DYMASOS under Grant 611281Ministerio de Econom铆a y Competitividad COOPERA Project Grant DPI2013-46912-C2-1-RMinisterio de Educaci贸n Jos茅 Castillejo Grant (CAS14/00277)Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant 15H04020 and Fellowship PE1604

    Multi-issue bankruptcy problems with crossed claims

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    In this paper, we introduce a novel model of multi-issue bankruptcy problem inspired from a real problem of abatement of emissions of different pollutants in which pollutants can have more than one effect on atmosphere. In our model, therefore, several perfectly divisible goods (estates) have to be allocated among certain set of agents (claimants) that have exactly one claim which is used in all estates simultaneously. In other words, unlike of the multi-issue bankruptcy problems already existent in the literature, this model study situations with multi- dimensional states, one for each issue and where each agent claims the same to the different issues in which participates. In this context, we present an allocation rule that generalizes the well-known constrained equal awards rule from a procedure derived from analyzing this rule for classical bankruptcy problems as the solution to a sucession of linear programming problems. Next, we carry out an study of its main properties, and we characterize it using the well-known property of consistency

    An iterative design method for Coalitional control networks with constraints on the shapley Value

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    9th World CongressThe International Federation of Automatic ControlCape Town, South Africa. August 24-29In this work, we introduce a new iterative design method for a coalitional control scheme for linear systems recently proposed. In this scheme, the links in the network infrastructure are enabled or disabled depending on their contribution to the overall system performance. As a consequence, the local controllers are divided dynamically into sets or coalitions that cooperate in order to attain their control tasks. The new design method allows the control system designer to include new constraints regarding the game theoretical tools of the control architecture, while optimizing the matrices that define the controller

    An Application of Cooperative Game Theory to Distributed Control

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    18th World CongressThe International Federation of Automatic ControlMilano (Italy) August 28 - September 2, 2011In this paper we propose to study the underlying properties of a given distributed control scheme in which a set of agents switch between different communication strategies that define which network links are used in order to regulate to the origin a set of unconstrained linear systems. The problems of how to decide the time-varying communication strategy, share the benefits/costs and detect which are the most critical links in the network are solved using tools from game theory. The proposed scheme is demonstrated through a simulation example

    A game theoretical randomized method for large-scale systems partitioning

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    漏 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.In this paper, a game theory-based partitioning algorithm for large-scale systems (LSS) is proposed. More specifically, a game over nodes is introduced in a model predictive control framework. The Shapley value of this game is used to rank the communication links of the control network based on their impact on the overall system performance. A randomized method to estimate the Shapley value of each node and also an efficient redistribution of the resulting value to the links involved are considered to relieve the combinatorial explosion issues related to LSS. Once the partitioning solution is obtained, a sensitivity analysis is proposed to give a measure of its performance. Likewise, a greedy fine tuning procedure is considered to increase the optimality of the partitioning results. The full Barcelona drinking water network (DWN) is analyzed as a real LSS case study showing the effectiveness of the proposed approach in comparison with other partitioning schemes available in the literature.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Dise帽o de una metodolog铆a para la evaluaci贸n de la eficiencia de redes de metro basada en DEA

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    En el presente trabajo se propone una metodolog铆a basada en DEA que proporcione la eficiencia de redes de metro. A partir de las dos salidas que se han identificado como las que mejor representan el buen funcionamiento de las redes de metro (pasajeros y pasajeros por Km.), se establece una regresi贸n multivariante que determine, de entre todos los recursos utilizados por la red, los que mejor explican las salidas consideradas. Este resultado se analiza mediante un an谩lisis DEA, para posteriormente dise帽ar un perceptr贸n multinivel capaz de prever los targets de una red no analizada.Junta de Andaluc铆a (Espa帽a) P06-TEP-02219Junta de Andaluc铆a (Espa帽a) TEP-5022Junta de Andaluc铆a (Espa帽a) CEDEX PT-2007-003-08CCP

    Un nuevo enfoque para la determinaci贸n de horarios de unidades rodantes

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    El objetivo principal en este trabajo es la programaci贸n de horarios de viajes en tren de acuerdo a los deseos de movilidad de los pasajeros, en el caso de frecuencias medias. Por tanto, se analiza el dise帽o de horarios en recorridos de media y larga distancia. Este problema, resulta de inter茅s para satisfacer las necesidades de los usuarios, adicionalmente es significativo porque existen actualmente pocas aproximaciones sobre este tema. Otros aspectos que resultan inseparables del problema de scheduling, como la medici贸n de la capacidad del servicio o la propia calidad del servicio, se estudian de manera conjunta.Junta de Andaluc铆a (Espa帽a) P06-TEP-02219Junta de Andaluc铆a (Espa帽a) TEP-5022Junta de Andaluc铆a (Espa帽a) CEDEX PT-2007-003-08CCP

    Extensi贸n de juegos definidos en sistemas de conjuntos

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    "Este trabajo de investigaci贸n, fundamentalmente, propone un nuevo modelo para la generalizaci贸n del iniciado por Myerson (1977). Con este objetivo se analizan estructuras estables para la uni贸n de coaliciones con intersecci贸n no vac铆a, que tienen como caso particular a las situaciones de comunicaci贸n. Por otro lado, se establece una estrecha relaci贸n entre las estructuras de cooperaci贸n u-estables y las situaciones de comunicaci贸n en hipergrafos debidas a Myerson (1980) y estudiadas por Van Den Nouweland, Boom y Tijs (1992). Las herramientas b谩sicas que han permitido esta generalizaci贸n, as铆 como el an谩lisis y caracterizaci贸n del valor de Myerson de posici贸n en este contexto han sido la introducci贸n del concepto de base y de un procedimiento recursivo que genera las coaliciones factibles. Asimismo, se plantean m茅todos para un c贸mputo m谩s eficaz del valor de Myerson y de posici贸n respectivamente y se estudian bajo qu茅 condiciones estos valores son elementos del core del juego restringido (lo cual ha obligado a investigar la transmisi贸n de la convexidad del juego original a los juegos introducidos.

    An approach from bankruptcy rules applied to the apportionment problem in proportional electoral systems

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    (Discrete) bankruptcy problems associated with apportionment problems have been defined. The authors studied which allocations for apportionment problems have been obtained when (discrete) bankruptcy rules were applied to the associated bankruptcy problems. They have shown that the (dis-crete) constrained equal losses rule coincides with the greatest remainder method for apportionment problems. Furthermore, new properties related to governability have been proposed for apportionment methods. Finally, several apportionment methods satisfying governability properties have been applied to the case of the Spanish Elections in 2015